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Dear APUO Members,

In order to improve communication, we are currently redesigning our website and trying to determine what method of communication our members would prefer.

As such, we would like to have your opinions on these subjects. Please take 5 minutes to answer the following questions. If you have questions about the survey, you may contact Michel Desjardins at the APUO office. Thank you very much.
Do you normally read emails/updates from APUO?
If you do read them, how would you rate APUO's current method of emailing short messages and attaching updates as pdfs when required?
Perfect solution
Functional but could be more efficient
It does not respond to my needs
If you do not read them, why not?
Logistical problems make it too difficult (e.g. attachment too big; not easily viewable on my mobile device)
I don't find the content helpful
No time to read them
Emails/updates are too long
I don't read the email initially, then it gets lost in a sea of email
I'm not interested in APUO in general

Which communication method would best suit your preferences? (Rank your top 3)
APUO traditional mass-email with attachments
Short mass-email with a link to a webpage
HTML-based email with a link to a webpage
Facebook status update with a link
LinkedIn status update with a link
Twitter message with a link
If we used a method other than email, would it increase the likelihood of you reading the message/update?
Not really
Which of the following social media tools do you use?
Personally Professionally
Google +
Would you find it valuable and join/follow/friend the APUO if it utilized the following social media tools? (Rank the top 3)
Facebook (private APUO page)
Linkedin (private APUO page)
Google +
What content do you want/expect from the APUO website?
The complete collective agreement text including active letters of understanding
Informational bulletins regarding the APUO, the collective agreement and UO procedures
Contact information for directors and staff members
Classified adds
FAQ and answers section

What functionality do you want/expect from the APUO website?
Contact form
Event calendar
Public discussion forum
Member-only discussion forum
Quick polls
Member-only file-sharing section
RSS feed

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